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How ClarityNOW Continues to Evolve

How ClarityNOW Continues to Evolve
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Welcome to

ClarityNOW Newsletter


We're thrilled to introduce our new weekly newsletter, designed to keep you informed, inspired, and ahead of the curve. In this weeks newsletter:

  • This week in Real Estate: New NAR Guidelines: Enhancing Transparency and Trust in Real Estate Transactions 
  • Tips & Best Practices: Time Management Tips for a Real Estate Agent's Perfect Day


  • Client Spotlights: Get inspired by success stories from fellow agents.


Join us on this journey to make your real estate business more profitable and efficient.

Let’s grow together!





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Time Management Tips for a Real Estate Agent’s Perfect Day


Tom Ferry's blog post provides an hour-by-hour time management guide for real estate agents to enhance productivity. Key points include:

  • Start with goals: Plan your schedule based on end results.
  • Prioritize important tasks: Handle crucial activities in the morning.
  • Avoid distractions: Block time to prevent interruptions.
  • Time blocking: Organize tasks into specific time segments.
  • Stick to your schedule: Ensure all tasks are accounted for in your daily plan.

The sample schedule emphasizes a structured day, starting early with personal preparation and prioritizing key business activities throughout.

For more details, you can visit the blog post.

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This Week In

Real Estate


The National Association of Realtors (NAR) has issued a reminder to its members and consumers regarding a significant change in real estate practices. This change is part of NAR's ongoing efforts to increase transparency and enhance consumer experiences in real estate transactions.

Key Points:

  • Broker Commissions: Updates on the settlement agreement concerning broker commissions aim to make the costs associated with buying and selling homes clearer to consumers.
  • Transparency and Disclosure: Emphasis on clearer disclosure of commissions and the roles of real estate professionals involved in transactions.
  • Education and Training: NAR provides resources and training for its members to ensure they understand and comply with these new requirements, thereby maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and ethics.

These changes are designed to foster trust and clarity in the real estate market, benefiting both professionals and consumers by ensuring fair practices and informed decision-making.

For more detailed information, you can visit the official announcement on NAR's website here​ (​​ (​.



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